How do I change my password? Or... I forgot My Password

If you have forgotten your password, you'll need to have it reset. We can't give you your password, because it's encrypted and protected, and our staff has no capability of viewing it (Security). Furthermore, if you are a member of a domain and NOT the account owner (or administrator), then you will need to contact that person within your company and have them reset it. For security reasons, we won't reset employee passwords because we don't know the wishes of the account/domain administrator (you could be a terminated employee calling in for nefarious reasons, etc.).

I DO know my password, I want to change it:

  1. Option A: Log into WebMail, and go to "Settings" and then "Password"
  2. Option B: Log into My Admin and then select "Change Password".
  3. Option C: Log into Site Admin (Accessible to Domain Owners & Admins ONLY), go to "E-Mail Accounts" and then select "Edit" next to the account in question.
  4. Option D: Call SATEXAS Support - (210) 448-7289 - Available to Account Owners & Admins Only (Security)

I DO NOT know my password, and need it reset :

  1. Option A: Log into Site Admin (Accessible to Domain Owners & Admins ONLY), go to "E-Mail Accounts" and then select "Edit" next to the account i n question.
  2. Option B: Call SATEXAS Support - (210) 448-7289 - Available to Account Owners & Admins Only (Security)